After your tooth extraction or other oral surgery procedure Dr. Andrew Wiemeyer, Dr. Samuel Lee and our team will provide detailed post-op instructions. Please follow these instructions closely as you recover. If you have any questions or to make an appointment with our prosthodontists in Duxbury, Massachusetts, reach out to Contemporary Prosthodontics at 781-934-2300.
Instructions For Patients Following Extractions or More Complex Oral Surgery
- Bite on one or several gauze pads for at least ½ hour following surgery. If there is bleeding after the first ½ hour, place one or several new gauze pads and bite on these for ½ hour longer.
- When the doctor recommends cold compresses, apply crushed ice in a plastic bag or ice bag to the side(s) of the face where extractions were done, for 15 minutes on then 15 minutes off each hour for 3-6 hours after surgery.
- The first meal or two after extraction or more complicated oral surgery should consist of soft foods high in protein such as milk, eggs or ground meat. Soups are good but should not be very hot. For dessert, Jello or ice cream can be eaten.
- AVOID RINSING YOUR MOUTH the first 24 hours after-surgery. (if you must rinse, gently swish and let the water gently come out of your mouth into the sink DO NOT SPIT)
- Take any and all PRESCRIPTIONS given you by the doctor only as directed.
- Alternate 600mg Ibuprofen (e.g., Motrin) with 650mg Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) every 6-8 hours or as needed.
- If the doctor used resorbable (i.e., dissolving) stiches, they may still be there for your follow-up appointment— that is okay! AVOID CUTTING YOUR OWN STITCHES. The doctor will remove them at your follow-up appointment
THE DAY(S) FOLLOWING SURGERY, swish for 60 seconds 3-4 times daily with warm salt water (½ teaspoon of table salt dissolved in an 8 oz. drinking glass of warm water). Eat well and drink plenty of fluids. Avoid foods with seeds or small grains.
If any unusual problems arise, call the doctor at 781-934-2300.